I often describe myself as a recovering overthinker, an extroverted introvert, and an empath. Over the years, people have asked me how I went from highly anxious all the time, putting everyone’s needs over my own, always feeling inadequate in one way or another, to healing my mind, body and spirit and living, 90 % of the time, in a place of inner peace, self-love, acceptance and immense freedom? I did this by immersing myself over the past 20yrs in personal, spiritual & professional growth and self-mastery strategies that I have tried & tested. I know which ones work, because they have worked for me! And believe me, if they worked for me…..they can work for You, too. I teach practices to reduce stress and overwhelm and a proven success system to drive you to results.
Read MoreThrough powerfully guided discussions, questions for self-inquiry, and exercises, I help you clarify your vision and goals, as well as assist you in unlocking your full potential so that you can transform your dreams into results. We do this by aligning heart, mind, body and spirit with the actions, tools and support needed to cause lasting change. In addition, sessions may include guided meditation and mind-body practices to recalibrate, reconnect and renew your sense of wellbeing and purpose… and THRIVE in your relationships and life! You will come out of these sessions with a clearer understanding of what motivates you, what may be holding you back, and how to achieve more balance.
Breathing is the one autonomic bodily function that you can consciously control. In our session, learn and practice breathing techniques to calm your mind, clear away the clutter of noise and regain your clarity. Depending on your personal needs, we will practice breathing exercises to create conditions for calm, and/or, also, breathwork to have your energy soaring.